AdminDemographicAssuranceRules class represents a set of assurance rules specific to admin demographics, extending DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules.
The class AdminDemographicExcelSheetIngestSource that implements the o.ExcelSheetIngestSource interface. The purpose of this class is to handle the ingestion of data from an Excel sheet into DuckDb database, specifically for the "Admin_Demographic" sheet.
AnswerReferenceAssuranceRules extends DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules to provide assurance rules specific to answer references.
The class AnswerReferenceExcelSheetIngestSource that implements the o.ExcelSheetIngestSource interface. The purpose of this class is to handle the ingestion of data from an Excel sheet into DuckDb database, specifically for the "Answer_Reference" sheet.
CommonAssuranceRules class provides common assurance rules applicable for all classes. It extends DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules for additional functionality.
Use OrchEngine to prepare SQL for orchestration steps and execute them using DuckDB CLI engine. Each method that does not have a @ieDescr.disregard() attribute is considered a "step" and each step is executed in the order it is declared. As each step is executed, its error or results are passed to the next method.
QeAdminDataAssuranceRules class represents a set of assurance rules specific to QE-Admin-Data, extending DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules.
The class QeAdminDataExcelSheetIngestSource that implements the o.ExcelSheetIngestSource interface. The purpose of this class is to handle the ingestion of data from an Excel sheet into DuckDb database, specifically for the "QE_Admin_Data" sheet.
QuestionReferenceAssuranceRules extends DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules to provide assurance rules specific to question references.
The class QuestionReferenceExcelSheetIngestSource that implements the o.ExcelSheetIngestSource interface. The purpose of this class is to handle the ingestion of data from an Excel sheet into DuckDb database, specifically for the "Question_Reference" sheet.
Encapsulates SQLPage content. SqlPageNotebook has
methods with the name of each SQLPage content that we want in the database.
The SQLPageNotebook.create method "reads" the cells in SqlPageNotebook (each
method's result) and generates SQL to insert the content of the page in the
database in the format and table expected by SQLPage sqlpage_files
Represents assurance rules specific to screening data, extending from DuckDbOrchTableAssuranceRules. Provides methods for enforcing screening-specific business logic.
The class ScreeningExcelSheetIngestSource that implements the o.ExcelSheetIngestSource interface. The purpose of this class is to handle the ingestion of data from an Excel sheet into DuckDb database, specifically for the "Screening" sheet.